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Contribution to the study of military functions of aquilifer, decurio cohortis and eques: Evidence from Serbia

dc.creatorZotović, Radmila
dc.description.abstractIako rimske vojne funkcije aquilifer, decurio cohortis i eques nisu bile istog vojnog ranga, njihovi nosioci uživali su veliki ugled, a dobijali su i mogućnost daljeg društvenog napredovanja. Nosioci funkcije orlonoše (aquilifer), potvrđeni nalazima iz Beograda, Kostolca i Požarevca, uživali su zbog značajne uloge u religijskom životu legije veliki ugled u vojsci. Nosioci funkcije dekurion kohorte (decurio cohortis), potvrđeni u Ravni kod Knjaževca, Gradini na Jelici kod Čačka, u Belegišu i Donjim Petrovcima dobijanjem funkcije istovremeno su sticali i rimsko pravo građanstva. Vitezovi (eques) su imali značajnu ulogu kako u vojnom, tako i u civilnom životu; potvrđeni su u Beogradu, Kolovratu, Kostolcu, Ritu, Ravni, Smederevu Raciarii, Koželju, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Iloku (?), Beloj Crkvi i Petrovaradinu.sr
dc.description.abstractThree functions in the Roman military as archaeologically evidenced in Serbia are discussed; aquilifer, decurio cohortis and eques. Although these titles did not imply the same level in the military hierarchy, they all gave their bearer a certain social standing and offered possibilities of social advancement. Evidence of the bearers of these functions have been discovered in the following locations in Serbia: Beograd (aquilifer - 1,eques - 1) Kolovrat (eques - 1), Kostolac near Požarevac (aquilifer - 1,eques - 3), Rit near Požarevac (eques - 1), Požarevac (aquilifer - 1), Ravna near Knjaževac (decurio cohortis - 4, eques - 3), Smederevo (eques - 1) Raciaria (eques 1), Koželj (eques - 1), Sremska Mitrovica (eques - 2), Ilok (?)(eques - 1) Bela Crkva (eques - 1), Petrovaradin (eques - 1), Gradina on Mt. Jelicanear Čačak (decurio cohortis - 1), Belegiš (decurio cohortis - 1) and Donji Petrovci (decurio cohortis - 1). Particularly respected were the functions ofaquilifer and eques. It seems that the first could only be borne by veterans, and had great importance in the religious life of the military units. The second not only received great respect, but also had great influence in civilian life. The function decurio cohortis, although signifying a low military level, guaranteed Roman citizenship to those who did not have it prior to receiving the title.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectrimska vojskasr
dc.subjectmunicipalna aristokratijasr
dc.subjectepigrafski izvorisr
dc.subjectdecurio cohortissr
dc.titlePrilog proučavanju vojnih funkcija aquilifer, decurio cohortis i eques na teritoriji Srbijesr
dc.titleContribution to the study of military functions of aquilifer, decurio cohortis and eques: Evidence from Serbiaen
dc.citation.other(23): 79-86



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