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A view on the question of the social structure of the population of Roman Singidunum according to epigraphic monuments

dc.creatorZotović, Radmila
dc.description.abstractEpigrafski spomenici sa područja antičkog Singidunuma beleže nosioce određenih društvenih funkcija, odnosno, pripadnike određenih socijalnih slojeva. Votivni spomenici, iako retki, pokazuju poštovanje Jupitera, u najvećem broju samostalno, a zatim i u kultnoj zajednici sa Genijem kastruma legije IV Flavije, sa Tera Mater, Liberom i njegovim ženskim paredrom Liberom. Među nosiocima vojnih funkcija mogu se uočiti doseljenici sa istoka dok znatan deo nosilaca društvenih funkcija čini romanizovano domorodačko stanovništvo. Neizvesno je da li se radi o lokalnom indigenom stanovništvu ili onom doseljenom sa drugih ishodišnih područja. Period Trajana može se označiti kao prelazni period od rimsko-domorodačkih do rimskih oblika uprave.sr
dc.description.abstractThe epigraphic sources from Roman Singidunum enumerate about 51 social functions, i.e. the members of certain social categories. Military functionaries are almost three times more numerous than civilian. The votive monuments, although rare, most often indicate worship of Jupiter independently or with the Genius of the castrum of the legio IV Flavius, and with Tera Mater, Liber and with his female companion Libera. Among military functionaries it is possible to identify people who came from the East. The two-part onomastic formulae, such as Aurelius Maximus, as well as the three-part form of the same type, to which is added a cognomen, suggest a romanized domestic population, but it is not quite clear if this is the native population or a population which came from the some other area. Certain of the civilian functions (vico magisterand princeps, one dated in the end of 1st century and the another at the end of the 2nd century), bear witness to the process of romanisation, which on this territory, as well as in other areas of the Roman Empire, followed a certain chronological "mechanism". This chronological "mechanism" suggests that the period of Trajan was transitional, from Roman and native to purely Roman forms of administration.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectvojne funkcijesr
dc.subjectepigrafski spomenicisr
dc.subjectcivilne funkcijesr
dc.titleOsvrt na pitanje socijalne strukture stanovništva rimskog Singidunuma na osnovu epigrafskih spomenikasr
dc.titleA view on the question of the social structure of the population of Roman Singidunum according to epigraphic monumentsen
dc.citation.other(22): 281-293



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