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Traces of metallurgical activities in Late Roman Romuliana: Research 2002-2005

dc.creatorPetković, Sofija
dc.creatorŽivić, Maja
dc.description.abstractZavršnim iskopavanjima u južnoj kuli zapadne kapije mlađeg utvrđenja Romulijane (kula 19), otkrivene su 2002. četiri kovačke i jedna livačka peć. Istraživanjima 2004-2005, na sektoru južno od Galerijevih termi u jugoistočnom delu Romulijane, pronađen je veliki metalurški objekat s kraja V - početka VI v. Pomenuta istraživanja dala su nove podatke o metalurškim aktivnostima u Romulijani u razdoblju od poslednje četvrtine IV do sredine VI v. Intenzivna metalurška aktivnost najverovatnije je otpočela tokom vladavine Anastasija I (491-518), u doba renesanse Priobalne Dakije, prethodno opustošene najezdom Huna i stalnim varvarskim upadima tokom druge polovine V v.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring the archaeological investigations of Gamzigrad (Romuliana) in 2002-2005, traces of metallurgical activities in Late Roman levels were noticed. In tower 19 (fig. 1), south of the West Gate of the later fortification, in two levels (figs. 2-3) dating from the end of the 4th to first decades of 5th century (layer D has, among other finds, yielded an antler comb, pl. VI/1), a smelting furnace (pl. I/2) as well as eight blacksmiths' forges were found (pl. I/1). In the area of the thermae, south to the Baths of Gallerius, two smithy forges of the same type, constructed of dry laid masonry and dating from the end of 4th - beginning of 5th century were found (pl. II/1-2). South-east of the baths, a large metallurgical structure, obviously occupying the south-east corner of the later fortification of Romuliana, was partially uncovered (fig. 4). The structure was of ca. 250 m2, comprising one large furnace (2.5 x 5 m) of horseshoe shape for smelting iron ore (fig. 4; pl. III/1-2), and four additional smelting or smithy forges (fig. 4; pls. IV/2, V). So far, three rooms of a building opened toward the large yard have been discovered. On the floor level of the structure, slag (see profile on pl. IV/1), casting clay and sand along with casting moulds and ceramic smelting vessels were found. The stratigraphy and the archaeological finds (pl. VI/2), suggest that the activity of this metallurgical facility is to be dated in the end of 5th and first half of 6th century A.D.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjecttopljenje gvožđasr
dc.subjectkasnoantički periodsr
dc.subjectDacia Ripensissr
dc.titleTragovi metalurških aktivnosti u kasnoantičkoj Romulijani - istraživanja 2002-2005sr
dc.titleTraces of metallurgical activities in Late Roman Romuliana: Research 2002-2005en
dc.citation.other(22): 135-148



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