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Weapons and warrior equipment in the cultures of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age on the territories of Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania

dc.contributor.advisorJevtić, Miloš
dc.contributor.otherLjuština, Marija
dc.contributor.otherVasić, Rastko
dc.creatorFilipović, Vojislav
dc.description.abstractProučavanje naoružanja i ratničke opreme u kulturama bronzanog i gvozdenog doba na teritoriji centralnog i jugoistočnog Balkana nije detaljnije proučavano još od osvita arheologije na ovim prostorima. Pojedine monografije ili njihovi delovi u svome fokusu imale su i ovo pitanje, ali se njime bavilo ili u uskom predmetnom kontekstu, ili pak u širokom prostornom kontekstu. Period koji je obuhvaćen ovim radom obuhvata otprilike jedan milenijum, a reč je o poznom bron- zanom i starijem gvozdenom dobu, odnosno o vremenu između 1500/1450. godine pre n.e. i 450/425. godine pre n.e., tj. srednjoevropske hronološke faze od početka pe- rioda Br C pa do kraja perioda Ha D. Ova teza imala je za cilj izradu kompleksne analize naoružanja i ratničke opreme na pomenutim prostorima, s obzirom na to da u dosadašnjim radovima toj problematici nije poklanjana adekvatna pažnja, i, da do sada ovim predmetima u celini nije posvećena ni jedna sintetska monogra- fija, ili manja celovita publikacija. Početni metodološki postupak bilo je sakupljanje već objavljene građe sa is- traživanog područja, ali i neposredni uvid u inventar muzejskih zbirki, tamo gde je to moguće i gde je takav materijal dosupan. U uvodnom delu dati su osnovni po- daci o geografiji, topografiji i geologiji razmatrane teritorije, sa naglaskom na rudnim ležištima metala, važnih u kontekstu proizvodnje oružja i ratničke op- reme. Takođe, detaljno su analizirane prirodne i istorijske komunikacije i puni pravci na ovoj teritoriji, važni zbog potencijalnih prodora određenih kultura i transporta/trgovine određenih tipova oružja u istraživanom periodu. U sledećem poglavlju precizirani su i definisani hronološki okviri teme, zatim arheološke kulture koje obuhvataju pomenuti period i teritoriju, dok su na kraju prikazane osnovne klase oružja i ratničke opreme sa detaljnim opisom primeraka i osnovnom tipologijom koja je korišćena u katalogu predmeta. Najobimniji deo rada svakako predstavlja katalog nalaza, u kojem su obrađeni svi odgovarajući predmeti, ukupno njih 1.000 sa proučavane teritorije uz tekstu- alni opis i ilustraciju, kontekst i uslove nalaza, a koji su klasifikovani po fa- zama u pozno bronzano doba (faze 1 i 2) i starije gvozdeno doba (faze 3 i 4), i dalje po celinama: defanzivna oprema (šlemovi, knemide, oklopi i štitovi), ofanzi- vno oružje (sekire, bodeži, mačevi, koplja i strele) i posebni nalazi (kalupi za livenje oružja i opreme i kameni brusevi). Nakon sakupljanja građe, izvršena je analiza podataka, paralelno sa pojedi- načnom analizom nalaza kroz hronološke periode i utvrđivanje njihovog tipa i dispozicije, kao i eventulne povezanosti sa tadašnjim arheološkim kulturama ili poznatim paleobalkanskim plemenima. U radu je predložena šema tipologije oružja za navedenu teritoriju, koja je ili kompilacija već postojećih tipoloških rešenja za određene vrste oružja i opreme koje su bile najkompletnije i najcelis- hodnije za problematiku kojim se ovaj rad bavi, ili je pak predložena nova šema tipologije za određen vid oružja ili opreme. Treba imati u vidu da za pojedi- ne podkategorije nije bilo moguće dati predložak tipologije. Primarna analiza obuhvatila je tipološku i hronološku analizu, a u korelaciji sa prostornom i kontekstualnom dimenzijom otvorila su se brojna dodatna pitanja vezana i za po- tencijalne radionice i rudarske potencijale teritorije, trgovačke i komunikaci- one pravce. Tokom poznog bronzanog doba u tezi je konstatovana pojava mikenskog oružja i opreme iz oblasti Egeje i predloženi su putevi kontakata i komunikacija central- nobalkanskih zajednica sa mediteranskim centrima bronzanog doba toga vremena. Za prelazni period konstatovan je jak prodor centralnoevropskih tipova oružja u oblast Balkana, koji verovatno sugerišu prodor nosilaca Gava kompleksa ka jugu, gde je konstatovano njihovo, da tako kažemo, rasipanje i slabljenje, verovatno us- led geografskih datosti istraživane oblasti, ali su određeni primerci oružja ovog registrovani i na južnim obalama Jadranskog mora. Isto tako, registrovane su razlike između pridošlih kultura i autohtonih populacija u vidu korišćenja tipova ofanzivnog oružja, pa se tako mačevi izuzetno retko koriste na prostoru gde nalazimo bojne sekire i obrnuto. Najmanji broj nalaza pripisan je fazi 3, tako da za ovaj period (Ha C) nisu mogli da se donesu neki širi zaključci. Tokom faze 4 izdvojene su brojne pravilnosti, poput pojave tzv. skitskih strela sa severa i istoka, koje se različito upotrebljavaju u zavisnosti od plemenske pripadnosti, distribucije defanzivne opreme koju ne koriste sva paleobalkanska plemena, te distribucije određenih tipova mačeva i kopalja u zavisnosti od plemenske pri- padnosti. Isto tako, u određenim slučajevima primećeno je da se oružje koristi i duže od stoleća, ili da dolazi do prepravke ili popravljanja, a registrovane su i lokalne varijante nastale po stranim
dc.description.abstractA study of the weapons and warrior equipment in the cultures of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age on the territories of the Central and South-east Balkans was not subject of a detailed study since the very beginnings of archeology in this areas. Some monographs were focused completely or partially on this question, but either the object selection was very narrow or the territory was very wide. The period covered by this work includes roughly one millennium, and it talks about Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, and a time frame between 1500/1450 BC and 450/425 years BC, i.e. Central European chronological phases from the beginning of the period Br C until the end of the period of Ha D. The aim of this thesis is to develop complex analysis of weapons and warrior equipment on the territories mentioned above, since previous works did not paid adequate attention to this subject, and because of the fact that so far these cases as a whole was not committed no synthetic monograph or less comprehensive publication. The initial methodological procedure was gathering materials from the studied areas that were already published, as well as by direct accessing to the inventory of museum collections, where possible and where such material was available. The introductory section provide basic information about geography, topography and geology of the studied territory, with the accent on metal ore deposits, which are important in the context of the production of weapons and war equipment. Also, detailed analysis was paid to natural and historical communications and roads on this territory, which are important because of possible breakage of certain cultures and because of transport/trade of certain types of weapons in the investigated period. The next chapter gives us precise and detailed chronological framework about archeological cultures included by the mentioned time and territory, and, at the end, it describes basic classes of weapons and warrior equipment, including detailed description and basic typology of the items in the catalog. The most extensive part of the work, the catalog of objects, includes 1000 items from the studied territory, followed by the description, illustration, context and condition of the objects, classified in phases of Late Bronze (phases 1 and 2) and Early Iron Age (phases 3 and 4), and then by the categories: defensive equipment (helmets, greaves, armors and shields), offensive weapons (axes, daggers, swords, spears and arrows) and specific findings (molds and stone grinding wheels). After collecting the items, the analysis of the data was accomplished, along with a separate analysis of findings through chronological periods and determination of their type and disposition, as well as possible connections with the known archaeological cultures or paleo-Balkan tribes. In this part of the thesis the typology scheme of weapons on this territory is proposed, which is either a compilation of already existing typological solutions for certain types of weapons and equipment that were the most complete and most effective way for the issues that this paper deals with, or a new typology scheme was proposed for a certain type of weapon or equipment. Attention shoud be paid that that some sub-categories were not possible to provide an adequate typology. The primary analysis included the typological and chronological analysis and, correlated with spatial and contextual dimension, it opened up many other questions about the potential for workshops and mining potential of the territory, as well as trade and communication routes. This thesis ascertains the emergence of Mycenaean weapons and equipment from Aegean area in the Late Bronze Age, and it proposes roads of contacts and communication of Central Balkan community centers with Mediterranean Bronze Age centers at that time. In the transitional period strong penetration of central-European types of weapons was recorded in the Balkan region. This probably suggests penetration of the holders of Gava complex to the south, where their scattering and attenuation was determined, probably due to geographic features of the researched area, although some examples of this weaponry were also found on the south Adriatic coast. Likewise, this theses registers the differences between non newcomers culture and indigenous populations through the use of types of offensive weapons, for example, the swords were very rarely used in the area where we find the numerous examples of axes and vice versa. The least amount of objects was attributed to the phase 3, so for this period (Ha C) we could not get some broader conclusions. As for the phase 4, many regularities were separated, such as the so called Scythian arrows from the north and east, which were used differently depending on tribal affiliation, distribution of the defensive equipment that was not used by all Paleobalkanic tribes, and distribution of certain types of swords and spears, depending on tribal affiliation. Also, in certain cases it is observed that the weapon was used for more than a century, that in some cases it was remodeled or repaired, and local variations made under the influences of foreign models were also registered.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177020/RS//
dc.subjectstarije gvozdeno dobasr
dc.subjectpozno bronzano dobasr
dc.subjectCrna Gorasr
dc.subjectcentralna Srbijasr
dc.subjectarheološke kulturesr
dc.subjectLate Bronze Ageen
dc.subjectEarly Iron Ageen
dc.subjectCentral Serbiaen
dc.titleNaoružanje i ratnička oprema u kulturama poznog bronzanog i starijeg gvozdenog doba na teritoriji Srbije, Makedonije, Crne Gore i Albanijesr
dc.titleWeapons and warrior equipment in the cultures of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age on the territories of Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albaniaen

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