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Main directives for studying social structure of Serbia population in the period of Roman domination according to epigraphic material

dc.creatorZotović, Radmila
dc.description.abstractU radu je utvrđena shema analize socijalne strukture stanovništva koja se sastoji od šest osnovnih tačaka sa određenim pod tačkama u okviru njih. Tih šest osnovnih tačaka predstavlja raspad rodovskih zajednica, krvno srodstvo društvenu hijerarhiju, raspored i kretanje vojnih jedinica, odnos stanovništva i religije i ostalo od manjeg značaja. Raspravljajući o tome autor takođe daje i zaključak o uočenim činjenicama kao što su brojno preimućstvo vojnih funkcija u odnosu na civilne, značaj proučavanja društvenog staleža vitezova, uticaj i uloga vojnih vitezova na municipalni život i rezultate istoga, rađene za druge provincije
dc.description.abstractIn this work we presented in brief the principal scheme for analysis of social structure of population on the basis of epigraphic material and main characteristics in their study. Principal scheme of analysis of social structure of population has six basic points: I disintegration of clan communities; II kinship; III social hierarchy; IV disintegration and mobility of military units; V relation of population and religion; VI other issues of lesser importance. So far the detailed analysis of social structure of population was performed for the eastern section of the Roman province Dalmatia and also basic material for analysis of social structure in the territory of Serbia in the Roman times was gathered. Preliminary investigations reveal so far that ratio of military and civil functions was considerably to the side of military ones (345:159), that 2nd century was the period of occurrence of epigraphic material of the local elite and that in the 3rd century occurred epigraphic material of the barely Romanized population. Most numerous civil functions were decurions, aediles and duumvirs and military functions were common soldiers and veterans. Knightly class was not numerous and proportion of civil and military knights show that the latter outnumbered the former. Among votive dedications most frequent are those dedicated to Jupiter. For the time being problem of Christians could not be discussed on the basis of epigraphy and it is generally the question whether the data about the life of Christians in the period of Roman Empire could be expected at all on the epigraphic monuments.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectvojne i civilne funkcijesr
dc.subjectviteški redsr
dc.subjectepigrafski spomenicisr
dc.subjectdruštvena hijerarhijasr
dc.titleOsnovne smernice proučavanja socijalne strukture stanovništva Srbije u periodu rimske dominacije na osnovu epigrafskog materijalasr
dc.titleMain directives for studying social structure of Serbia population in the period of Roman domination according to epigraphic materialen
dc.citation.other20(19): 291-297



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