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Late Roman Fortification Horreum Margi

dc.creatorПетковић, Софија
dc.creatorТапавички-Илић, Милица
dc.description.abstractОва књига настала je на основу археолошких ископавања утврђења римског града Horreum Margi у периоду 1986-1990. године, која су у сарадњи спровели Археолошки институт и Војни музеј у Београду. Истраживања су нагло прекинута 1991. године неочекиваниим почетком грађанског рата у СФР Југославији, који је, нажалост, трајао све до 1999. године. У овој ситуацији, истраживачи су се посветили анализи резултата краткотрајних ископавања и археолошких налаза. Ипак, у очекивању наставка истаживања, деценијама је изостала финална публикација резултата добијених на основу ископавања 1986-1990. године.sr
dc.description.abstractHorreum Margi is situated in the middle of Morava valley, on the right bank of the Velika Morava. Modern day Ćuprija is located on the remains of this very important Roman fort. The geo-strategic position of Horreum Margi determined its development and destiny. It was established in the middle of the Roman province of Upper Moesia (Moesia Superior), that included the central part of the Balkan peninsula. It shared its borders with the province Pannonia to the north, Dacia and Lower Moesia (Moesia Inferior) in the east, Macedonia in the south and Dalmatia in the west. However, its position becomes even more relevant when two important axes of communication are considered: the fluvial one, along the river Velika Morava (Margus) and another on land, known as Via militaris. The Roman military road reached the Upper Moesia from the north, from Pannonia and led via the two legionary camps on the Limes, Singidunum and Viminacium. Further on, it ran towards Horreum Margi and continued towards the south, i.e. Naissus. One of the most important crossroads of the Roman Empire was situated in Naissus, that connected the Danubian Limes to the north with Bosporus to the east, the Aegean Sea to the south and the Adriatic Sea to the west. Horreum Margi was also an important connection between the cities on the Danubian limes of the Upper Moesia that developed around the legionary camps Singidunum (camp of the legion IIII Flavia) and Viminacium (camp of the legion VII Claudia), further on Margum on the mouth of the river Velika Morava into the Danube and the economic centers inland the province, such as Naissus, Ulpiana and
dc.publisherБеоград : Археолошки институтsr
dc.subjectHorreum Margisr
dc.titleКасноантичко утврђење Horreum Margisr
dc.titleLate Roman Fortification Horreum Margisr
dc.citation.epage249 стр., XLIV листова с таблама

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