Приказ резултата 540-559 од 1837

      I Dioscuri nell’arte funeraria: insolito frammento della stele da Viminacium [1]
      I summon thee, Thôbarrabau! Magical practice in Viminacium [1]
      Il culto di Liber a Taurunum: un contributo allo studio della viticoltura nella Pannonia Inferiore [1]
      Il culto di Silvano nel limes della Mesia Superiore [1]
      Illyricum Romanum : Studiola in honorem Miloje Vasić [1]
      Image as a Way of Self-Representation, Association and Type Creation for Late Antique Women in the Central Balkans [1]
      Images of the amphitheatre – use of photogrammetry in the excavations of the Viminacium amphitheatre [1]
      Imago mulieris – жена у визуелној култури касне антике на централном Балкану : Приказ књиге Femina Antica Balcanica / Jelena Anđelković Grašar. – Beograd: Arheološki institut, Evoluta, 2020 (Beograd: Digital Art Company). [1]
      Imperial art during the Tetrarchy period in the cultural space of the Balkans : the example of Galerius’ foundation in Romuliana (Gamzigrad, Serbia) [1]
      Imported molluscs in the Central Balkans and Southern Carpathian Basin in the Neolithic revisited [1]
      In chase for traces, Experimental researches of polished stone axes, adzes and chisels and comparative traceological analyses [1]
      In searching for cinnabar-provenance and usage of the cinnabar in the 5th millennium BC in Serbia [1]
      In the Beginning There Was a Timber Construction... The Wooden Amphitheatre of Viminacium [1]
      In the continuity of some types of the antler items on the territory of Upper Moesia during the late antiquity IV-VI century ad [1]
      Incidence of denominations in graves at the southern necropolises of Viminacium [1]
      Industrija glačanog kamena sa Donje Branjevine i njeno mesto u neolitu naše zemlje [1]
      Industrija tekstila na lokalitetu Kale u Krševici (jugoistočna Srbija) u IV-III veku pre n.e [1]
      Inelul de logodnă de la Viminacium [1]
      Inhumacija djece na nekropoli Više grobalja antičkog Viminacija [1]
      Inscriptions and stamps on Roman weapons and military equipment from the Serbian part of Limes [1]