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New data about prehistory in the Raška region

dc.creatorKapuran, Aleksandar
dc.creatorJevtić, Miloš
dc.description.abstractArheološka istraživanja izvršena na srednjovekovnim utvrđenjima Gradina Končuljić, Gradina Brvenik i Gradina Trešnjevica, izvršio je Istorijski institut u okviru projekta Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Re publike Srbije. Ispod srednjovekovnih otkriveni su i praistorijski horizonti koji su se kretali od ranog bronzanog doba do gvozdenog doba III. Ovi praistorijski nalazi nam ukazuju kako je oblast zapadne Srbije i same Pešterske visoravni, kao razdelnice Balkanskog poluostrva, mogla biti zona mešavine različitih regionalnih uticaja. Horizont RBD-a na lokalitetu Končuljić, predstavlja kontinuitet iz eneolitskog supstrata i pokazuje istovremeni uticaj iz područja centralne Bosne, kao i iz Panonije i Pomoravlja. Horizont prelaznog perioda iz mlađeg bronzanog doba u starije gvozdeno doba na Gradini Brvenik, kao i nalazi koji pripadaju ranoj fazi Bosuta i Kalakače, pokazuju izvesne uticaje iz Pomoravlja. Nalazi iz perioda gvozdenog doba III, otkriveni na Brveniku i Trešnjevici široko su rasprostranjeni na teritoriji Raške od V do IV veka p. n. e., iako sa primetnim uticajem glasinačke kulturne grupe, ukazuju i na moguće pravce prodora arhajske i helenističke kulture u središte Balkanskog
dc.description.abstractThe archaeological picture of prehistory in western Serbia, Raška region and Brvenik district has been supplemented by archaeological investigations of the hillforts Končuljić, Brvenik and Trešnjevica organized by the Institute of History in Belgrade. The investigations of archaeological remains of fortifications from the period of Turkish domination, Serbian medieval period and period of Byzantine domination revealed sporadic pottery finds from the Bronze and Iron Age in the earliest cultural layers. Two horizons of prehistoric settlement were discovered at the hillfort Končulj. The earlier settlement dates from the Early Bronze Age in the central Balkans, central Bosnia and Pannonia. From the later horizon date the finds, which could be attributed to the Iron Age III or to 5th-4th centuries BC and that has analogies with material from Novi Pazar, Osaonica and Hisar in Leskovac. Two prehistoric horizons were also discovered at the hillfort Trešnjevica. The earlier horizon is characterized by the pottery from the period of transition from Bronze to Iron Age and period of channeled pottery in the Danube basin. The material from the later horizon dates from the early phase of Bosut and Kalakača but with influences from the Morava valley. The prehistoric material was discovered at hillfort Trešnjevica in the trench excavated in the fortification suburbium, so it means that material probably reached this location as result of erosion. Therefore, the only way to reconstruct the stratigraphy is to analyze stylistic and typological characteristics of the material. Here, also we were able to distinguish two cultural horizons, earlier one with material from the Iron Age II and later with material from early antique, Greek and Hellenistic period typical of the south Morava valley.en
dc.publisherNarodni muzej, Beograd
dc.sourceZbornik Narodnog muzeja - serija: Arheologija
dc.subjectstarije gvozdeno dobasr
dc.subjectgradinska naseljasr
dc.subjectbronzano dobasr
dc.titlePrilozi za poznavanje praistorije u raškoj oblastisr
dc.titleNew data about prehistory in the Raška regionen
dc.citation.other(20-1): 83-101

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