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On the influence of Vatin and Verbicioara cultures in the finds of the Gamzigrad cultural group

dc.creatorKapuran, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad se bavi analogijama gamzigradske kulturne grupe sa susednim kulturnim manifestacijama ranog i srednjeg bronzanog doba u Podunavlju i Pomoravlju. Rekognosciranjima teritorije u bližoj okolini lokaliteta Romulijana, izvedenih u dva navrata 2001. i 2008. godine, došlo se do jasnijeg sagledavanja distribucije lokaliteta i stilsko-tipoloških karakteristika na keramici ove kulturne grupe. Prema analogijama i učestalostima određenih keramičkih tipova, pokušava se rasvetliti karakter i nastanak ove kulturne manifestacije pozicionirane na uskom prostoru između paraćinskog i vatinskog kompleksa sa jedne, i kulture Verbičoara sa druge
dc.description.abstractThe Timočka Krajina region has not been sufficiently investigated archaeologically, which coupled with the fact that a very small number of metal finds and remains have been discovered, makes the reconstruction of the start and end of the Bronze Age that much more difficult. Identification work in the area around Romuliana on two occasions in 2001 and 2008 led to the discovery of another 10 predominantly multi-layered sites dating back to the Bronze Age, of which 7 are highland settlements while 3 are lowland settlements located in the immediate vicinity of the Timok river or its tributaries. The discovered sites 1. Varsari, 2. Đokin Vis, 3. Kravarnik, 4. Mustafa, 5. Nikolov Savat, 6. Njiva Zore Brzanović, 7. Petronj, 8. Potes-Petronj, 9. Strenjak and 10. Zvezdan; bare the characteristics of the material culture of the 'Gamzigrad group' of the Middle Iron Age. Besides known ceramic forms and characteristic ornamentation of this culture, there is a visibly strong influence of the Vatin (Crvenka-Cornesþi) and Verbicioara elements to a greater extent, and Paraćin cultural elements to a lesser extent. Given that this material was collected during identification work, we are now aware of the stratigraphic relations between these elements, and have devoted more attention to common characteristics and interconnections from which certain conclusions can be drawn. Based on the finds from archaeological sites that have been excavated it can be concluded that the distribution of sites with Gamzigrad cultural characteristics is limited to a very small area, i.e. only to the vicinity of the Crni Timok river. Nearly at all sites, both highland and lowland, Vatin and Verbicioara elements are strongly visible on the ceramic materials. The geographic position of the Crni Timok, which is located in the area where the Paraćin, Vatin and Verbichoar cultures connected and overlapped, could contribute to shedding light on the origin and characteristics of this phenomenon of the Middle Bronze Age in Eastern Serbia.en
dc.publisherArheološki institut, Beograd
dc.subjectsrednje bronzano dobasr
dc.subjectparaćinska kulturasr
dc.subjectIstočna Srbijasr
dc.subjectgamzigradska kulturasr
dc.subjectParaćin Cultureen
dc.subjectMiddle Bronze Ageen
dc.subjectGamzigrad cultureen
dc.subjectEastern Serbiaen
dc.titleO uticajima vatina i verbičoare na nalazima gamzigradske kulturne grupesr
dc.titleOn the influence of Vatin and Verbicioara cultures in the finds of the Gamzigrad cultural groupen
dc.citation.other(59): 53-69

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