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dc.contributorPetković, Sofija
dc.contributorGavrilović-Vitas, Nadežda
dc.description.abstractThe ancient cults and iconography represent an important segment of not only Roman religion, but also of Roman culture which was woven into the Roman everyday life, but also in the sepulchral life. The importance of archaeological findings from Ro-man Balkans' provinces is of great importance, not only because they mirror the mundane and Afterlife of the Romanised and indigenous population in the territory, but also because they significantly contribute to the analysis and interpretation of the most intimate beliefs and thoughts of the residents. During the period of the antiquity, the territory of Balkans was divided into several provinces which differently went through the process of Romanisation, with their own characteristics considering the administration, stationing of army units, forming of military centres and settlements, but also differently accepting the Roman customs and religion, with more or less present degree of acceptance that is resistance to the new pantheon of gods and goddesses. Having in mind previously said, testimonies in the shape of votive and funerary monuments, different kinds of archaeological findings and sacral spaces where the deities were honoured and venerated, can significantly help in the more precise and veritable picture of the cults and beliefs present in the Balkans during the period of Roman reign. Through the results of archaeological excavations, new finds which cast a different light on certain problems and attested presence of different cults and religions in the Balkans' Roman provinces, we gath-ered the papers from different experts in the subject of antique cults and iconography, partly presented in the Classical section of Serbian Archaeological Society, particularly during the session which was dealing with the problems in ancient religion. The idea for publication "Ancient Cult in the Bal-kans through Archaeological Findings and Iconography" originate from the session of the same name held in 2017 during the XL Assembly and Colloquia of Serbian Archaeological Society in Belgrade. It represents the collection of papers from colleagues focused on different problems of ancient cult and iconography analysed and interpreted through epigraphic and archaeological monuments and other kinds of different findings in the Balkans. Through the analysis and interpretation of different monuments from different Balkans' Roman provinces we can more clearly follow the equation and syncretisation of Greek and Roman cults with unknown cults of indigenous gods and goddesses, but also better observe the role of different social groups like the army, traders, artisans etc., presume the origin and provenience of the dedicators and localisation of possible
dc.publisherSerbian Archaeological Societysr
dc.subjectRoman religionsr
dc.titleAncient Cult in the Balkans through Archaeological Findings and Icoographysr

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