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Results of Rescue Archaeological Excavations on Site 2, Ada Municipality

dc.creatorРајичић, Милица
dc.creatorБугар, Марин
dc.creatorЈовић, Марија
dc.creatorРадмановић, Дарко
dc.creatorСремац, Радован
dc.creatorСавић, Марија
dc.description.abstractЗаштитна археолошка ископавања Локалитета 2 у општини Ада спроведена су у организацији Међуопштинског завода за заштиту споменика културе из Суботице приликом радова на траси гасовода. Током октобра и новембра 2019. године, откривено је више непокретних целина са припадајућом покретном грађом. Реч је о комплексу од осам јама у северном делу налазишта који можемо приписати касноантичком периоду, односно открићу три економска објекта у јужном делу ископа који представљају периферни део насеља. Резултате датовања поменутих објеката ¹⁴С методом (8–10. век), требало би узети са резервом, јер материјал за датовање вероватно потиче из фазе након њиховог напуштања. Хронолошки континуитет на овом простору огледа се и кроз откриће неколико ровова мањих димензија, који вероватно представљају део дренажног система из средњовековног раздобља.sr
dc.description.abstractThe archaeological site 2 is located in the territory of the village of Sterijino, in the cadastral municipality of Ada. The site is located on a gentle slope that used to be the bank of a now long gone river flow. Site was first detected during field surveys in the municipality of Ada in 2019, which were a part of the project Archaeological map of Northern Bačka. The pipeline rescue excavations of the site 2 in the municipality of Ada were conducted by the Intermunicipal Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Subotica. During October and November 2019, the archaeological team unearthed 14 archaeological features with corresponding finds, some of which were dated into the Late Antique period and some into the Medieval period. In the northern part of the excavated area, a complex of eight disposal pits was discovered. The pits are different in size, bell-shaped or barrel-shaped with a flat or funnel-shaped bottom. Infill of the pits consisted of soil mixed with ash, charcoal, small fragments of daub from ovens, animal bones, pottery sherds and, in some cases, iron slag. The presence of iron slag can indicate the existence of a metal workshop in the vicinity of the pit complex. Based on the material found, mostly Sarmatian pottery, the pits were dated into the Late Antiquity period. This was confirmed with radiocarbon dating. Approximately 100 m to the south, closer to the bank of the former watercourse, three dug-in objects were detected. Two of them were excavated, but the third one was only partially unearthed due to time restrictions. All objects had an irregular shape and were dug into loess to a certain extent. Object 1 had one oven with a dome, most of which collapsed into the oven’s interior, and it was partially dug into the western wall. Object 2, which is located 3 m to the south-west from object 1, had two ovens that represent two phases of use of the object. The first phase is represented with an oven dug into the north-eastern wall, with a partially collapsed dome. During the second phase, the oven next to the western wall was built, but since it was not even partially buried, the dome of the oven collapsed completely. The third object was discovered 2,5 m to the south-west from object 2, but it was only partially excavated. Since all objects with ovens were characterised by an absence of chronologically sensitive archaeological material, especially pottery, the dates were obtained through ¹⁴C method. Radiocarbon dates placed the usage of these objects in the period between the second half of the 8th century and the middle of the 10th century AD. During excavations, 5 trenches were also discovered. Trenches were smaller, and most of them were stretched across the site in the direction north-west/south-east. Being the most recent features at the site, trenches could have been a part of a medieval drainage system. The trenches were completely deprived of any archaeological material, but during field survey, which preceded the excavations, a lot of medieval material was found, so it is safe to assume that material found on the surface and features excavated just beneath the reach of plough could be contemporary. Having in mind that this site has a complex chronological situation, and also because of time restrictions, only a small piece of the puzzle has been unearthed, and any final conclusions should be reserved for future research projects.sr
dc.publisherСуботица : Међуопштински завод за заштиту споменика културеsr
dc.sourceЗаштитна aрхеолошка истраживања на траси магистралног гасовода од границе Бугарске до границе са Мађарском, деоница 4, на територијама општина Кањижа, Сента и Адаsr
dc.subjectлокалитет 2sr
dc.subjectкасна антикаsr
dc.subjectсарматска култураsr
dc.subjectсредњи векsr
dc.subjectобјекти са пећимаsr
dc.titleРезултати заштитних археолошких истраживања на траси гасовода – локалитет 2, адаsr
dc.titleResults of Rescue Archaeological Excavations on Site 2, Ada Municipalitysr



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