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Analysis of the sex and age of children buried at the mediaeval cemetery site 85 in Sremska Mitrovica

dc.creatorMiladinović-Radmilović, Nataša
dc.description.abstractFizičko-antropološkom analizom obuhvaćen je osteološki materijal dečijih individua iz 77 grobova, otkrivenih u periodu 2003-2005. na lokalitetu 85 u Sremskoj Mitrovici. Analiza skeletnih ostataka iz svakog Groba obuhvata: u slove nalaza, stepen očuvanosti kostiju, polnu i starosnu pripadnost i paleopatološke nalaze. Stepen očuvanosti koštanih ostataka odgovara drugoj kategoriji - dobro očuvan nekompletan skelet. Od 119 dečijih individua 17 je muškog, a 19 ženskog pola, dok u 83 slučaja pol nije utvrđen. Zastupljene su Gotovo sve starosne kategorije. Na osteološkom materijalu su vidljivi tragovi povreda kostiju, anomalija u razvoju skeleta, bolesti zglobova, promena na kostima uzrokovanih krvnim poremećajima i metaboličkih bolesti. Dat je opis i mogućih oboljenja koja ne ostavljaju traga na kostima, kao jedan od mogućih uzroka
dc.description.abstractThe study analyses 119 children from 77 graves (dating 13th-14th century), which were excavated during 2003-2005, in Sremska Mitrovica (Site 85) (fig. 1). The skeletal remains are incomplete and fragmentary, so we can establish the sex of only 36 children (17 males and 19 females) by using morphological and metrical methods (table 1). We can estimate age at death for 105 children. We also try to determinate the cause of death. Although, the children usually suffer from skeletal injuries followed by infections (pl. I/1-2), congenital anomalies (pl. I/3), joint diseases (pl. I/4), hematological disorders (anemia, porotic hyperostosis, cribra orbitalia, cribra femora, cribra humera) (pls. I/5-8; II/1-7) and metabolic diseases, the main cause of death is physiological and the organic weakness of infants, genetic and other progressive anomalies, poor sanitary conditions, inadequate nutrition and infections.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectXIII-XVI veksr
dc.subjectSremska Mitrovicasr
dc.subjectdečiji osteološki materijalsr
dc.subjectbolesti kostijusr
dc.titlePolna i starosna struktura dečijih individua sahranjenih na srednjovekovnoj nekropoli na lokalitetu 85 u Sremskoj Mitrovicisr
dc.titleAnalysis of the sex and age of children buried at the mediaeval cemetery site 85 in Sremska Mitrovicaen
dc.citation.other(24): 445-456

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