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Late bronze age house from Mediana-sector south: A contribution to the study of relations between Paraćin and Brnjica cultural groups

dc.creatorBulatović, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractTokom zaštitnih istraživanja lokaliteta Medijana-sektor jug, osim antičkih nalaza, konstatovan je i istražen deo plitko ukopanog stambenog objekta sa nadzemnom konstrukcijom od pletera i lepa. Analizom pokretnog arheološkog materijala utvrđeno je da stambeni objekat potiče iz bronzanog doba. Stilsko-tipološke karakteristike keramičkih nalaza pokazuju da veći deo inventara pripada paraćinskoj, a manji deo brnjičkoj kulturnoj grupi. Nalaz je poslužio za kraću analizu odnosa paraćinske i brnjičke kulturne grupe. Prema dispoziciji nalazišta ovih dveju kulturnih grupa, sa naročitim osvrtom na indikativne, stratigrafski utvrđene nalaze u Konopljari i Medijani-sektor jug, došlo se do zaključka da je krajem poznog bronzanog doba severni deo basena Južne Morave bio prelazna, odnosno pogranična zona rasprostiranja ove dve kulturne
dc.description.abstractDuring the rescue excavations of Mediana-Sector South (pl. I/1), seasons 2007-2008, a Late Bronze Age house (Structure 2) was unearthed (figs. 1-2; pl. I/2). Structure 2 has most1y a rectangular base, with its southern part somewhat extended toward the west. The excavated part of the house is 3 m long; the width is 2,5 m in north and 3,9 m in south (where the extension is). The base of Structure 2 was dug in by 10-20 cm. Along the edges of the structure there are two to three rows of postholes. In the central part of the southern end there is a bigger pit, probab1y for the post that supported the roof. Judging from the postholes and numerous clay daub fragments, the dwelling was made in wattle and daub technique. Similar structures are known from Bronze Age sites in Thrace, as well as the lower Danubian and Morava river regions. Structure 2 and its immediate surroundings produced a lot of pottery finds (figs. 3-6), some clay weights (figs. 5/8; 6/7), fragments of decorated clay daub (pl. II/3), a pyramidal firedog (andiron) and a fragment of a bone tool (fig. 5/9). The pottery is, inter alia, represented by different bowls, globular goblets, cups with a single high loop handle surmounted by variously shaped knobs (fig. 5/13; pl. II/1), amphorae, occasionally decorated (fig 4/9; pl. II/2), twin vessels (fig. 6/6), pots and portable oven (piraunos). The pottery finds can be attributed to the Paraćin and, to a lesser degree, Brnjica Cultural Groups, which, along with a previously obtained 14C date from another Mediana Late Bronze Age nearby feature (1280±90 B.C.), suggest that Structure 2 should be dated to the 13th century B.C. (Br D - in terms of Central European chronology). Analysis of the disposition of Paraćin and Brnjica Cultural Group sites, particularily the ones where their vertical stratigraphical relation is clearly defined (Konopljara, Mediana-Sector South), along with pottery ana1ysis, reveal that both cultural groups shared common territories (a1though each had its own particularities respectively). During the peak of the Paraćin Cultural Group when it encompassed the biggest territory, whi1e the Brnjica Cu1tura1 Group had just started its expansion, they met in the transitional zone positioned from the conf1uence of the West and South Morava rivers, via the northern part of the South Morava basin, to the western part of the region near Nis (fig. 7). It is exact1y to this transitiona1 period that Structure 2 from Mediana-Sector South be1ongs.en
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectstambeni objekatsr
dc.subjectparaćinska i brnjička kulturna grupasr
dc.subjectbronzano dobasr
dc.titleStambeni objekat iz poznog bronzanog doba sa lokaliteta Medijana-sektor jug - prilog proučavanju odnosa paraćinske i brnjičke kulturne grupesr
dc.titleLate bronze age house from Mediana-sector south: A contribution to the study of relations between Paraćin and Brnjica cultural groupsen
dc.citation.other(24): 223-244



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