Приказ резултата 355-374 од 1879

      Cultural Landscape of Ancient Viminacium and Modern Kostolac – Creation of a New Approach to the Preservation and Presentation of its Archaeological and Industrial Heritage [1]
      Culture, self, and meaning. [1]
      D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi (ed.): Byzantine glazed ceramics: The art of sgraffito, Katalog izložbe, Greek Ministry of Culture, Museum of Byzantine Culture, Archaeological Receipts Fund, Athens, 1999 [1]
      Danube limes in Serbia: on the way to a UNESCO World heritage site – problems, challenges and solutions [1]
      Davidovac – Gradište zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na deonici autoputa E75 koridor 10 – Južni krak [1]
      De nouveau sur le kéramarque des timbres amphoriques thasiens [1]
      Deconstruction of the Caričin grad fortifications [1]
      Decvrsio Motifs on the Reverse of Nero’s Sestertii (revisiting an old issue) [1]
      Dental and jaws status in pre-historic human population of the Gomolava site [1]
      Dental anthropological status of the human population found in the Roman site of Viminacium necropolis "Kod Koraba" [1]
      Dental status of the population from the Roman site of Nad Klepeckom-Viminacium [1]
      Dentalno zdravlje stanovnika sahranjenih na lokalitetu Begov Most – Staničenje [1]
      Dentalnoantropološki status humane populacije antičkog lokaliteta Viminacijum - nekropola "Kod Koraba" [1]
      Der kulturelle Charakter und die Chronologie der Starčevo - Elemente im neolithikum der westlichen Balkan Regionen [1]
      Design and building specificities of the fortified residential complex at the site of Vrelo-Šarkamen [1]
      Design of Compatible Mortars for a Late Roman Tomb in Serbia [1]
      Design of Compatible Mortars for Conservation Interventions [1]
      Destination Viminacium – Where to deliver goods at the Roman frontier [1]
      Deux monuments honorifique de Timacum Minus (IMS III/2 23 et 36) [1]
      Development and changes in Roman fashion showcase Viminacium [1]