Prikaz rezultata 1060-1079 od 1933

      Rabbit holes of bone technology: production and the use wear of perforations on bones, shells and teeth [1]
      Radiocarbon dating the 3rd millennium bc in the central Balkans: a re-examination of the early bronze age sequence [1]
      Radionica za izradu predmeta od kosti i roga u utvrđenju Timacum minus [1]
      Rame uz rame: zajednice vatinske kulture u Banatu [1]
      Ranisavljev Aleksandar: Ranosrednjovekovna nekropola kod Mokrina, Srpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd, 2007 [1]
      Ranohrišćanske krstionice u severnom Iliriku [1]
      Ranosrednjovekovna ostava gvozdenih predmeta iz Rujkovca i slični nalazi sa područja centralnog Balkana [1]
      Ranosrednjovekovna sahrana žene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u istočnoj Srbiji [1]
      Raskucavajući prošlost - eksperimentalna (re)konstrukcija i upotreba praistorijskih rudarskih kamenih batova sa lokaliteta Prljuša - Mali Šturac na planini Rudnik [1]
      Rastko Vasić: some personal reflections [1]
      Ratko Mladić: Relativism, myth and reality (respond to this article at) [1]
      Raw material managing and exploitation in the past [1]
      Razgradnja fortifikacije Akropolja Caričinog grada [1]
      Re-conservation and reinterpretation of a Roman fresco from Sirmium [1]
      Rebirth of the Past – Recreating Viminacium in 3D and Presenting Roman Cultural Heritage [1]
      Recent discovery of sarcophagus in Viminacium. Evidence of mors immatura? [1]
      Recent Excavations on the Amphitheatre of Viminacium (Upper Moesia) [1]
      Recent finds of the Roman and late antique glass from Naissus (Niš, SRB) [1]
      Recognising the Value of Historic Mortars: From a Database to an Exhibition”. [1]
      Reconstruction of the archaeological grid layout in the area of the forum of Municipium DD [1]