ARCHAEOWILD - The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Archaeobotanical, Isotopic, Ancient DNA, Iconographic and Written Evidence from the Central Balkans

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ARCHAEOWILD - The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Archaeobotanical, Isotopic, Ancient DNA, Iconographic and Written Evidence from the Central Balkans (en)


Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia)

Mladenović, Mladen; Mladenović, Teodora; Dmitrović, Katarina; Radičević, Dejan

(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, 2024)

AU  - Mladenović, Mladen
AU  - Mladenović, Teodora
AU  - Dmitrović, Katarina
AU  - Radičević, Dejan
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that has gained momentum in Serbia in recent decades, there is still modest information originating from the area of Western Serbia. So far, the data from the archaeological site Jerinin grad – Brangović has been published (Kukić, Mladenović 2014). However, in the last two years, analyses of archaeofaunal material from the area of present-day Čačak, which includes three sites/locations – Courtyard of the Gymnasium, Courtyard of the National Museum, and Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin – dating back to the Roman and Late Antique periods, have gotten underway. This paper aims to provide an insight into animal management within the same landscape at three different locations through time by comparing taxa ratios, body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, as well as butchery mark patterns between various sites/locations to reveal plausible diachronic and contextual differences in the strategies of animal exploitation.
PB  - Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Archaeology
C3  - ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting: Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animalhuman relationships, and changes in the human diet
T1  - Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia)
EP  - 69
SP  - 69
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Mladen and Mladenović, Teodora and Dmitrović, Katarina and Radičević, Dejan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Even though archaeozoology of the Roman and the Late Antique periods is a young discipline that has gained momentum in Serbia in recent decades, there is still modest information originating from the area of Western Serbia. So far, the data from the archaeological site Jerinin grad – Brangović has been published (Kukić, Mladenović 2014). However, in the last two years, analyses of archaeofaunal material from the area of present-day Čačak, which includes three sites/locations – Courtyard of the Gymnasium, Courtyard of the National Museum, and Courtyard of the Church of the Ascension of the Holy Virgin – dating back to the Roman and Late Antique periods, have gotten underway. This paper aims to provide an insight into animal management within the same landscape at three different locations through time by comparing taxa ratios, body part profiles, age and sex data, pathological changes, as well as butchery mark patterns between various sites/locations to reveal plausible diachronic and contextual differences in the strategies of animal exploitation.",
publisher = "Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade : Institute of Archaeology",
journal = "ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting: Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animalhuman relationships, and changes in the human diet",
title = "Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia)",
pages = "69-69",
url = ""
Mladenović, M., Mladenović, T., Dmitrović, K.,& Radičević, D.. (2024). Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia). in ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting: Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animalhuman relationships, and changes in the human diet
Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy., 69-69.
Mladenović M, Mladenović T, Dmitrović K, Radičević D. Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia). in ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting: Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animalhuman relationships, and changes in the human diet. 2024;:69-69. .
Mladenović, Mladen, Mladenović, Teodora, Dmitrović, Katarina, Radičević, Dejan, "Lost and Found: Animal Management Throughout the Roman and the Late Antique Periods Within the Settlement(s) Under the Modern City of Čačak (Western Serbia)" in ICAZ - 4th RPWG Meeting: Social archaeozoology and role of animals in Roman period societies: social differences, the impact of Rome on animalhuman relationships, and changes in the human diet (2024):69-69, .

Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства

Вуковић, Соња; Вранић, Мирко; Младеновић, Теодора; Марковић, Димитрије; Марковић, Немања; Михаило, Радиновић

(Београд : Српско археолошко друштво, 2024)

AU  - Вуковић, Соња
AU  - Вранић, Мирко
AU  - Младеновић, Теодора
AU  - Марковић, Димитрије
AU  - Марковић, Немања
AU  - Михаило, Радиновић
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Мрки медвед (Ursus arctos, Linnaeus, 1758) представља најјачу и најкрупнију европску звер, која је различитим европским директивама и одредбама подвргнута строгим мерама заштите. У Републици Србији медведи имају статус строго заштићене дивље врсте. Током реализације пројекта ARCHAEOWILD, кога у оквиру програма ИДЕЈЕ финансира Фонд за науку Републике Србије (бр. пројекта 7750265), посебна пажња посвећена је проучавању интеракција између човека и медведа током читавог холоцена комбиновањем различитих метода (археолошких, археозоолошких, историјских, изотопских, археогенетичких). Ова истраживања осим што доприносе разумевању значаја медведа у прошлости, имају за циљ и да утичу на управљање савременим угроженим популацијама мрких медведа у Европи. Скелетни остаци медведа, који су откривени на великом броју налазишта из периода праисторије у нашој земљи, сведоче о лову на ове животиње, али и о широком ареалу ове врсте током раног и средњег холоцена. Међутим, у археофауналним скуповима из историјских периода, остаци медведа изузетно су ретки, што би могло да укаже на уништавање и фрагментацију станишта ових животиња услед урбанизације, дефорестације и ширења обрадивих површина почетком нове ере. Иако су њихови остаци пронађени на свега неколико налазишта из периода антике, касне антике и средњег века, подаци из историјских извора, бројни иконографски прикази, топономастика, али и различите археозоолошке специфичности на костима ових животиња, сведоче о значају медведа за историјска друштва. Прелиминарни резултати анализа древне ДНК из костију медведа указују на диверзитет популација мрких медведа током историје и претпоставке да су током римског периода на наше просторе увођене јединке из удаљених провинција. У раду ћемо кроз презентовање резултата пројекта ARCHAEOWILD дискутовати о различитим аспектима веза између медведа и човека током историјских периода на централном Балкану. Фокус рада је на просторној и временској дистрибуцији налаза скелетних остатака ове врсте, резултатима археогенетичких анализа, али и на подацима из историјских извора и иконографије, који доприносе разумевању значаја медведа за људска друштва током периода антике, касне антике и средњег века.
PB  - Београд : Српско археолошко друштво
PB  - Ниш : Завод за заштиту споменика културе
C3  - Програм, извештаји и апстракти : Српско археолошко друштво, 44. годишњи скуп, Ниш, 30. мај - 1. јун 2024.
T1  - Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства
EP  - 87
SP  - 86
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Вуковић, Соња and Вранић, Мирко and Младеновић, Теодора and Марковић, Димитрије and Марковић, Немања and Михаило, Радиновић",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Мрки медвед (Ursus arctos, Linnaeus, 1758) представља најјачу и најкрупнију европску звер, која је различитим европским директивама и одредбама подвргнута строгим мерама заштите. У Републици Србији медведи имају статус строго заштићене дивље врсте. Током реализације пројекта ARCHAEOWILD, кога у оквиру програма ИДЕЈЕ финансира Фонд за науку Републике Србије (бр. пројекта 7750265), посебна пажња посвећена је проучавању интеракција између човека и медведа током читавог холоцена комбиновањем различитих метода (археолошких, археозоолошких, историјских, изотопских, археогенетичких). Ова истраживања осим што доприносе разумевању значаја медведа у прошлости, имају за циљ и да утичу на управљање савременим угроженим популацијама мрких медведа у Европи. Скелетни остаци медведа, који су откривени на великом броју налазишта из периода праисторије у нашој земљи, сведоче о лову на ове животиње, али и о широком ареалу ове врсте током раног и средњег холоцена. Међутим, у археофауналним скуповима из историјских периода, остаци медведа изузетно су ретки, што би могло да укаже на уништавање и фрагментацију станишта ових животиња услед урбанизације, дефорестације и ширења обрадивих површина почетком нове ере. Иако су њихови остаци пронађени на свега неколико налазишта из периода антике, касне антике и средњег века, подаци из историјских извора, бројни иконографски прикази, топономастика, али и различите археозоолошке специфичности на костима ових животиња, сведоче о значају медведа за историјска друштва. Прелиминарни резултати анализа древне ДНК из костију медведа указују на диверзитет популација мрких медведа током историје и претпоставке да су током римског периода на наше просторе увођене јединке из удаљених провинција. У раду ћемо кроз презентовање резултата пројекта ARCHAEOWILD дискутовати о различитим аспектима веза између медведа и човека током историјских периода на централном Балкану. Фокус рада је на просторној и временској дистрибуцији налаза скелетних остатака ове врсте, резултатима археогенетичких анализа, али и на подацима из историјских извора и иконографије, који доприносе разумевању значаја медведа за људска друштва током периода антике, касне антике и средњег века.",
publisher = "Београд : Српско археолошко друштво, Ниш : Завод за заштиту споменика културе",
journal = "Програм, извештаји и апстракти : Српско археолошко друштво, 44. годишњи скуп, Ниш, 30. мај - 1. јун 2024.",
title = "Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства",
pages = "87-86",
url = ""
Вуковић, С., Вранић, М., Младеновић, Т., Марковић, Д., Марковић, Н.,& Михаило, Р.. (2024). Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства. in Програм, извештаји и апстракти : Српско археолошко друштво, 44. годишњи скуп, Ниш, 30. мај - 1. јун 2024.
Београд : Српско археолошко друштво., 86-87.
Вуковић С, Вранић М, Младеновић Т, Марковић Д, Марковић Н, Михаило Р. Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства. in Програм, извештаји и апстракти : Српско археолошко друштво, 44. годишњи скуп, Ниш, 30. мај - 1. јун 2024.. 2024;:86-87. .
Вуковић, Соња, Вранић, Мирко, Младеновић, Теодора, Марковић, Димитрије, Марковић, Немања, Михаило, Радиновић, "Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства" in Програм, извештаји и апстракти : Српско археолошко друштво, 44. годишњи скуп, Ниш, 30. мај - 1. јун 2024. (2024):86-87, .

An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective

Mladenović, Teodora; Mladenović, Mladen; Kajtez, Irina; Vidosavljević, Vladan

(Barcelona : University of Barcelona, 2024)

AU  - Mladenović, Teodora
AU  - Mladenović, Mladen
AU  - Kajtez, Irina
AU  - Vidosavljević, Vladan
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia.
PB  - Barcelona : University of Barcelona
PB  - Tarragona : University Rovira i Virgili
PB  - Barcelona : Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes
C3  - MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, 25-26th January, Barcelona, Spain
T1  - An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective
EP  - 44
SP  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mladenović, Teodora and Mladenović, Mladen and Kajtez, Irina and Vidosavljević, Vladan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Since the late 14th century, throughout the Modern period, the Ottoman conquest of Serbia led to the devastation and desecration of churches and monasteries, looting of their assets, and the conversion of some sacred Christian sites into mosques. Despite this, the Serbian Orthodox Church persisted and even expanded during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. While some monasteries fell into disrepair, others prospered, such as the St. Barbara Monastery, located on Reljina Gradina near Novi Pazar (Southwestern Serbia). Based on written sources, the monastery was built during the 16th century, which was proved by archaeological excavations. It was burned down at the end of the 17th century. The excavations have also confirmed an older Medieval necropolis beneath the monastery buildings. The monastery consists of the church, east and west blocks of buildings, and a surrounding wall. It also includes a well, refectory, and kitchen. During the excavations in 2022 and 2023, a small surface in the western part within and outside of the churchyard was excavated. Archaeological material of the 16th and 17th centuries was not abundant, consisting mostly of kitchen and tableware, and less numerous small finds and faunal remains. This paper aims to present faunal analysis results from St. Barbara Monastery, and reveal the dietary habits and characteristics of everyday life of monastery inhabitants from a zooarchaeological perspective. The analysis suggests that domestic animal meat and fish were predominantly consumed. Caprine remains were the most abundant, as the most significant source for exploitation of primary and secondary products. Albeit small, the faunal assemblage from a few contexts of St. Barbara uncovered by now is significant since it is the only known Modern period monastery faunal collection from the territory of Serbia.",
publisher = "Barcelona : University of Barcelona, Tarragona : University Rovira i Virgili, Barcelona : Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes",
journal = "MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, 25-26th January, Barcelona, Spain",
title = "An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective",
pages = "44-44",
url = ""
Mladenović, T., Mladenović, M., Kajtez, I.,& Vidosavljević, V.. (2024). An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective. in MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, 25-26th January, Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona : University of Barcelona., 44-44.
Mladenović T, Mladenović M, Kajtez I, Vidosavljević V. An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective. in MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, 25-26th January, Barcelona, Spain. 2024;:44-44. .
Mladenović, Teodora, Mladenović, Mladen, Kajtez, Irina, Vidosavljević, Vladan, "An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective" in MonBones – Reconstructing Past Monastic Life. Inferences from Archaeological, Bioanthropological and Documentary Perspectives, 25-26th January, Barcelona, Spain (2024):44-44, .

Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium

Marković, Dimitrije; Savić, Milan; Bogdanović, Ivan

(Sofia : Nous Publishers Ltd, 2023)

AU  - Marković, Dimitrije
AU  - Savić, Milan
AU  - Bogdanović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - During the excavations of
Viminacium in 2016, a red deer tibia, with what seemed like a trauma caused by a weapon, was found in the vicinity of the amphitheatre. Consequently, the aim of this research was to determine whether that was the case and to attempt to reconstruct the potential hunting moment. The analysis of the wound suggested that the animal was hit from its right side with a deltoid or leaf-type long-range weapon, such as throwing spears or arrows. The irregular shape of the trauma on the lateral side of the bone was due to the socket that went through it along with the tip of the weapon. Since this wound is located just beneath the knee of the deer, it would not have been enough to kill the animal instantly, but there are no indications of any bone healing, which leads to an assumption of multiple hits, and thus multiple huntsmen involved in the hunt, which was a common practice. There is also a possibility that this particular animal took part in a
venatio, that is, the beast hunt in the arena, since it was found in a trench related to the amphitheatre, alongside a large number of other wild animals, which undoubtedly participated in the spectacles.
PB  - Sofia : Nous Publishers Ltd
T2  - Archaeologia Bulgarica
T1  - Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium
EP  - 47
SP  - 37
VL  - 1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Dimitrije and Savić, Milan and Bogdanović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "During the excavations of
Viminacium in 2016, a red deer tibia, with what seemed like a trauma caused by a weapon, was found in the vicinity of the amphitheatre. Consequently, the aim of this research was to determine whether that was the case and to attempt to reconstruct the potential hunting moment. The analysis of the wound suggested that the animal was hit from its right side with a deltoid or leaf-type long-range weapon, such as throwing spears or arrows. The irregular shape of the trauma on the lateral side of the bone was due to the socket that went through it along with the tip of the weapon. Since this wound is located just beneath the knee of the deer, it would not have been enough to kill the animal instantly, but there are no indications of any bone healing, which leads to an assumption of multiple hits, and thus multiple huntsmen involved in the hunt, which was a common practice. There is also a possibility that this particular animal took part in a
venatio, that is, the beast hunt in the arena, since it was found in a trench related to the amphitheatre, alongside a large number of other wild animals, which undoubtedly participated in the spectacles.",
publisher = "Sofia : Nous Publishers Ltd",
journal = "Archaeologia Bulgarica",
title = "Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium",
pages = "47-37",
number = "XXVII",
volume = "1",
url = ""
Marković, D., Savić, M.,& Bogdanović, I.. (2023). Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium. in Archaeologia Bulgarica
Sofia : Nous Publishers Ltd., 1(XXVII), 37-47.
Marković D, Savić M, Bogdanović I. Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium. in Archaeologia Bulgarica. 2023;1(XXVII):37-47. .
Marković, Dimitrije, Savić, Milan, Bogdanović, Ivan, "Case of the Wounded Beast: a Red Deer Tibia with Projectile Trauma from Viminacium" in Archaeologia Bulgarica, 1, no. XXVII (2023):37-47, .