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Изаберите институцију/групу
Marjansko Brdo: La Tène Period Horizon
(Târgu Jiu: Council of Gorj County, 2024) -
Stick figures on early medieval pottery vessels
(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade : Institute of Archaeology, 2024) -
Farewell to the Young: Early Iron Age Mortuary Practices in the Middle Danube Region
(London : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2024) -
Le paquet Néolithique osseux : les influences du Asie du sud-ouest dans l’industrie osseuse de la culture de Starčevo
(Muzeul de Istorie și Arheologie Piatra-Neamț, 2024) -
Bone artefacts from the Roman period from the site of Adžine Njive – Klenak (northern Serbia)
(Beograd : Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd : Arheološki institut, 2024) -
Палеопаразитолошка евиденција могуће санитарне камене посуде из римских терми у Виминацијуму
(Београд : Српско археолошко друштво, Ниш : Завод за заштиту споменика културе, 2024) -
Медведи у историјским периодима на централном Балкану: писана, иконографска, археозоолошка и археогенетичка сведочанства
(Београд : Српско археолошко друштво, Ниш : Завод за заштиту споменика културе, 2024) -
Eneolithisation of the human figures: figural imagery in the Early Eneolithic Bubanj-Hum I culture
(University of Bucharest, 2024) -
Заплењени археолошки фалсификати из околине Пожаревца
(Београд : Српско археолошко друштво, Ниш : Завод за заштиту споменика културе, 2024) -
Late Bronze Age Eponymic Site on the Danube: Insights from the Faunal Remains and Archaeological Features at Žuto Brdo Site
(Târgu Jiu: Council of Gorj County, 2024) -
Bone industry in the Eneolithic Kostolac-Coţofeni cultural complex in the Balkans
(BAR Publishing, 2024) -
An Insight into Animal Exploitation at the Roman Frontiers Throughout the Late Antiquity: A Case Study of Čortanovci, Mihaljevačka šuma – Prosjanice Site (Northern Serbia)
(Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade : Institute of Archaeology, 2024) -
An Insight into Dietary Habits of St. Barbara Monastery (Southwestern Serbia) During the Early Modern Period: A Zooarchaeological Perspective
(Barcelona : University of Barcelona, Tarragona : University Rovira i Virgili, Barcelona : Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes, 2024) -
Following the Ancients - Conservation Mortars for the Danube Limes in Serbia
(Champs-sur-Marne: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2024) -
In searching for cinnabar-provenance and usage of the cinnabar in the 5th millennium BC in Serbia
(Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, National Centre For Scientific Research “Demokritos”, 2024) -
The uncovered Dvorine church wall paintings
(Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, National Centre For Scientific Research “Demokritos”, 2024) -
Mortar Research and Design – Preserving the Values of the Danube Limes in Serbia
(Champs-sur-Marne: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., 2024) -
The Socialist Heritage in Demagog Studio's Video Games
(Novi Sad : Faculty of Philosophy, Department for Media Studies, 2024)