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Viminacium - interdisciplinary interpretation of the relationship between inhabitation and population from late prehistory to late Midlle Ages

dc.contributor.advisorVojković, Gordana
dc.contributor.otherRadak, Bojan
dc.contributor.otherSedmak, Aleksandar
dc.contributor.otherKorać, Miomir
dc.contributor.otherBulatović, Dragan
dc.creatorMikić, Ilija Ž.
dc.description.abstractGlavni zadatak ove disertacije je povezivanje istraženih nekropola sa područja Viminacijuma sa izračunavanjem veličina naselja i utvrđivanjem kontinuiteta ili diskontinuiteta naselja i nekropola, te u kom smislu ta veza postoji ili ne postoji. Da bi se dobio odgovor na ovo kompleksno pitanje u vezi sa Viminacijumom, pristup istraživanjima je morao da bude interdisciplinarni, kao i kasnija tumačenja. Jedino tako su mogli biti dobijeni odgovori na pitanja o karakteru stanovništva, brojnosti, organizovanosti stanovanja i mestu življenja, kao i o poreklu, da bi se na kraju videlo zašto život na Viminacijumu prestaje posle gotovo dva milenijuma. Činjenica je da ni jedna druga naseljena lokacija u blizini nije otkrivena dosadašnjim iskopavanjima, rekognosciranjima okolnog terena ili aerosnimanjem (npr. slučaj akvedukta). Na osnovu do sada istraženih desetak nekropola iz različitih perioda (od kasne praistorije do kasnog srednjeg veka) razumno je postaviti hipotezu da je osim lokacije rimskog grada i vojnog logora Viminacijuma svaka druga lokacija u okolini tokom celog perioda bila manje pogodna za naseljavanje, zato što je i pored povremenih razaranja ostajalo obilje kvalitetnog građevinskog materijala pogodnog za izgradnju drugih objekata na istoj lokaciji. Raznošenje materijala je trajalo tokom perioda srednjeg, pa sve do 19. veka. Na taj način hipoteza ukazuje na kontinuitet nastanjenosti na prostoru Viminacijuma, ali ima i svoj diskontinuitet. On se ogleda u činjenici da su taj prostor nastanjivale različite populacije koje su ga koristile za razne namene, počev od praistorijskih Kelta pa sve do perioda kasnog srednjeg veka, što je bezmalo dva milenijuma. Pomenuta i primenjivana interdisciplinarnost se zasniva na rezultatima istraživanja i upoređivanja nalaza arheologije (kraj praistorijskog i ceo istorijski period), antropologije, odn. biofizičke antropologije (koja pokriva više od deset hiljada skeleta, a što je uopšte najveći broj na jednom nalazištu u Evropi), demografije, odn. paleodemografije (koja je svojim metodama pokazala obim tih populacija i najverovatniju veličinu njihovih naselja), fizičke hemije (sa svojim izotopskim analizama određenog broja skeleta iz nekoliko ključnih perioda). Podeljeno po periodima, dolazi se do sledećih zaključaka (na nivou sadašnjeg stepena istraženosti): Opidum dela keltskog plemena Skordisaka je svakako imao svoju unutrašnju strukturu i organizaciju. Međutim, njegove druge karakteristike osim lokacije ne postoje. Ona se poklapa sa topografijom rimskog grada i vojnog logora Viminacijuma (lokacija Čair). Materijalni ostaci su svakako najvećim delom uništeni intezivnom gradnjom u rimsko doba, ali je sasvim izvesno da se radi o određenom urbanom tipu naselja, koje je trajalo nekoliko poslednjih vekova stare ere. Stanovništvo ovog perioda je svakako bilo heterogeno, ne samo zato što je imalo nekropolu sa biritualnim sahranjivanjem (inhumacija i kremacija), nego zato što je i po morfološkoj strukturi bilo vrlo različito (dolihrani i brahikrani tipovi). O njegovom broju se ne može govoriti, jer je rekonstrukcija na osnovu istraženog dela nekropole (lokacija Pećine) nedovoljna za pouzdanija paleodemografska izračunavanja. Antički Viminacijum su činili rimski grad i vojni logor, čije su dimenzije pouzdano poznate. Urbani način naseljenosti je svakako osnovna karakteristika oba ova dela (civilni i vojni). Smatra se da treba računati i na odgovarajuće podgrađe. Broj stanovnika, kako se moglo videti, nije bio stalan. On se menjao od 1. do 5. stoleća naše ere. Kretao se od nekoliko hiljada do nekoliko desetina hiljada (pogotovo u vreme procvata Viminacijuma). Bez obzira što su iskopavanja vršena na desetak antičkih lokacija, odn. delova velike i jedinstvene nekropole Viminacijuma, civilni i vojni deo nisu mogli biti razdvojeni. Najverovatniji razlog toj činjenici je podatak da se legionari nisu sahranjivali sa oružjem, nego su ga samo dužili i koristili tokom vojne službe. Sastav stanovništva je bio izuzetno heterogen. Konstatovani su antropološki varijeteti mediteranaca, nordida, dinarida i orejentalida. Najsažetije rečeno, stanovništvo Viminacijuma je bilo evroposkog i azijskog (prednjeazijskog) porekla. Posle razaranja Huna sredinom 5. veka na Viminacijumu se sve menja. Tokom ranog, razvijenog i kasnog srednjeg veka novi tip naseljenosti postaje refugijum. Obilje kvalitetnog građevinskog materijala i dobra lokacija privlačili su najpre Germane tokom velike seobe naroda. Zatim su ga naselili Sloveni, a potom starosedelačko (starobalkansko) stanovništvo koje je najverovatnije došlo iz južnih i manje sigurnih oblasti u mirnije i severnije oblasti Podunavlja. Sve su to bile vrlo male populacione grupe, sastavljene od maksimalno dvadesetak parova, odn. i isto tolikog broja stambenih objekata, ali kojima je Viminacijum poslužio kao refugijum, te je i zbog toga sasvim moguće da im se gubi dalji trag. Ovom tezom o multidisciplinarnom posmatranju odnosa naseljenosti i stanovništva, mogla su biti konstatovana dva tipa naselja: urbani i refugijalni. Kontinuitet je konstatovan što se tiče lokacija istih, jer se ona nisu prostorno pomerala. Diskontinuitet je konstatovan kada se radi o stanovništvu, s obzirom da se ono sa svakim periodom menjalo. Manji vremenski hijatusi u srednjem veku su, smatra se, rezultat činjenice da je na prostoru Viminacijuma istraženo samo oko 10% površine pod nekropolama. Dalje praćenje ovog odnosa ostaje stalno, uz napomenu da je polazna hipoteza u ovoj disertaciji i dokazana, upravo interdisciplinarnom metodologijom kao jedino prihvatljivom. U pogovoru je ukazano i na heritološki značaj Viminacijuma i potrebu da se on kao najposećeniji arheološki lokalitet u Srbiji, koji nudi najveću različitost u eksponiranju, kako nalaza tako i samog nalazišta, adekvatno zaštiti i da se skeletni materijal takođe podvede pod heritološku zaš
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of this dissertation, through brief rewiew should be repeated the most important problems. In the first place, this refers to the main goal of the dissertation and that was connecting cemeteries and the settlement. Immediately after that come continuity or discontinuity of the settlement and the cemeteries, revealing whether this connection exists or does not. In order to gain answers to this complex question about Viminacium, its needed to undertake interdisciplinary research and interpretation. Only in such a way, it was possible to gain answers about population features, numbers, organization and location of inhabitation, as well as about origin, finally revealing why the inhabitation of Viminacium ceased after almost two millennia. The fact is that no other settlement on location near is not detected on previous excavations, reconnaissance of the surrounding ground or aerial survey (eg. The case of the aqueduct). On the basis of investigated ten necropolis from different periods (from late prehistory to the late Middle Ages) it is reasonable to hypothesis that in addition to the location of a Roman city and military camp Viminacium any other sites in the vicinity during the whole period was less suitable for settlement, because despite the occasional destruction remained an abundance of high-quality construction material suitable for the construction of other buildings on the same site. Meeting materials lasted throughout the Middle Ages, to the 19th century. In this way, the hypothesis suggests continuity of habitation and on the territory of Viminacium, but it has its own discontinuity. It is reflected in the fact that the area was inhabited by different populations, beginning from Celts until the period the late Middle Ages, which is almost two millennia. Its important to remind that the mentioned research and the applied multidisciplinary are based on results and comparing archaeology (the end of the prehistoric and the entire historic period), anthropology, actually biophysical anthropology (including more than ten thousand skeletons, which is, actually, the greatest number in a single finding place in Europe), demography, actually paleodemography (which, with its methods, showed the volume of these populations and most likely the size of their inhabitations), physical chemistry (with its isotopic analyses of a certain number of skeletons from some of the most important periods), as well as heritage science, since Viminacium is now the most-visited archaeological site in Serbia, offering the greatest variety in exposure of the finds and the site itself. Summarized, this through time periods, the autor reach the following conclusions (on the level of the research conducted so far): The oppidum of the Celtic tribe of Scordisci certainly possessed its inner structure and organization. Still, apart from its location, it is not known anything about its other features. It topographically coincides with the Roman city and the military camp Viminacium (the site Čair). Material remains were mostly destroyed with intense building activity during Roman times, but it is certain that is was an urban type of settlement, which existed over the last three centuries of the Old Era. The population of this period was certainly heterogeneous, not only because it possessed a necropolis with bi-ritual burials (skeletal and cremated), but it was very heterogeneous also because of its morphologic structure (dolichocephalic and brachycephalic types). Its not possible to speak about its number, since a reconstruction according to the examined part of the cemetery (the site Pećine) is insufficient for a reliable paleo-demographic calculation. The ancient Viminacium consisted of a Roman city and a military camp, dimensions of which are well-known. The urban structure of both parts (civilian and military) was their main feature. The existence of a suburban area is also regarded. As seen, the number of inhabitants was not permanent. It changed from the 1st to the 5th century A.D. It moved from several thousands to several tens of thousands (especially in the period of Viminacium's high prosperity). Regardless of the fact that excavations were conducted on a dozen of ancient locations, actually parts of a large and unique Viminacium cemetery, the civilian and the military part could not have been separated one from the other. It is most likely because of the fact that the legionaries were not buried with weapons, which was only hired and used during military service. The structure of population was extremely heterogeneous. There were anthropological varieties of Mediterranean, Nordic, Dinaric and Oriental types. Shortly, the population of Viminacium was of European and Asian (Middle East) origin. After the Hunnic devastation in the middle of the 5th century, everything changes in Viminacium. During Early, Middle and Late Middle ages, refugium exists as a new type of settlement. During the Great Migration, plentitude of building material and a good location attracted the moving German tribes. Further on, Viminacium was inhabited by the Slavs, later on the autochthonous (old Balkan) population, coming most likely from southern and less secure areas into the more peaceful, northern parts of the Danube valley. All of these were small population groups, consisting of mostly twenty couples, actually of the same number of objects, to whom Viminacium served as a refuge, so it is therefore possible that their traces are lost. With this multidisciplinary observation of inhabitation and population, its detected two settlement types: urban and refuge. Their continuity on the same spot was detected, since they did not move through space. Discontinuity was detected when it comes to population, since it changed with every period. Smaller chronological gaps in the Middle Ages are regarded as an omission, since in Viminacium, less than 10% of the area covered with cemeteries was examined. Further research remains permanent, with the remark that it have proven the initial hypothesis of this dissertation, with multidisciplinary methodology as the only possible one to be applied. In the epilogue is indicated on heritological importance of Viminacium and the need for it as the most visited site in Serbia, which offers the greatest diversity in exposing, both the findings and the whole site, adequately protect and the skeletal material is also be subsumed under heritological protection.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Studije pri univerzitetu
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47018/RS//
dc.subjectpaleodemografska istraživanjasr
dc.subjectinterdisciplinarna istraživanjasr
dc.subjectfizičko hemijska istraživanjasr
dc.subjectphysical chemistry researchen
dc.subjectpaleodemographic researschen
dc.subjectinterdisciplinary researchen
dc.titleViminacijum - interdisciplinarna interpretacija odnosa naseljenosti i stanovništva od kasne praistorije do kasnog srednjeg vekasr
dc.titleViminacium - interdisciplinary interpretation of the relationship between inhabitation and population from late prehistory to late Midlle Agesen



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