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dc.creatorDimić, Vidan
dc.description.abstractThe Rudnik mountain in central Serbia is famous for its ore richness, in particular of malachite (carbonate copper ore), whose deposits were recognized and exploited from prehistory up to modern times. Archaeological remains show clear traces of mining activities during the Roman and especially medieval period, when there was an important mining centre on the mountain. Recent excavations at the site of Prljuša – Mali Šturac uncovered rich material remains showing exploitation of malachite during the Eneolithic period. Over 15 objects were discovered (mining shafts) which constitute the structure of this site. Beside other archaeological finds, the quantity of mining hammerstones is very impressive. It is estimated that over 2000 tools are scattered on the site, clearly demonstrating the intensity of mining activities on this location during the Eneolithic times and conspicuous mining potential the mountain possesses. During the archaeological research, 688 hammerstones were discovered and analysed (478 of them are from recent excavation campaigns). Based on their analysis, hypotheses were made regarding their manufacture and use. In summer 2017, experimental (re)construction was undertaken on three basic types of these tools, as a complementary segment to functional and typological analyses. The goal of the experimental research was to gather as much data as possible which would serve as a comparative filter for testing previously raised hypotheses and research questions related to the manufacture and usage modes of this category of mining tools. Obtained results enabled a more complete understanding of the prehistoric mining technology on this site, as well as reconstruction of the chaine opératoire from the raw material procurement and production, to the use, damage and discard of hammerstones.sr
dc.publisherZagreb : Croatian Archaeological Societysr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177020/RS//sr
dc.source5th International Scientific Conference Methodology & Archaeometry, Zagreb, 30th November - 1st December 2017sr
dc.subjectPrljuša–Mali Šturacsr
dc.subjectCopper mining technologysr
dc.subjectexperimental (re)constructionsr
dc.subjectmining hammerstonessr
dc.subjectproduction and usesr
dc.titleThe (Re)construction and Usage of Mining Hammerstones from Copper Mining site of Prljuša - Mali Šturac: Experimental archaeologysr
dc.description.otherIna, Miloglav (ed), Book of abstracts of 5th International scientific conference Methodology & Archaeometry, Zagreb, 30th November‒1st December 2017sr



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