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Architectural sculpted decorations from the temple of Antinous and the forum area of antique Municipium DD

dc.creatorBjelić, Igor
dc.creatorSavić, Marija
dc.description.abstractМонографијом археолога Емила Чершкова постављени су темељи за познавање римског Муниципијума DD. Развој целог насеља и велика градитељска активност су опредељени у период од краја I до краја IV века. Најзначајнији простор насеља био је форум, у чијој се фокалној тачки налазио Антинојев храм. Архитектонска пластика један је од значајних аспеката архитектуре овог простора. Ипак, монографијом нису обухваћени сви њени примерци који су евидентирани приликом истраживања, па последично ни све могућности анализа. Циљ овог рада је да се након толикo времена изврши архитектонска анализа скулпторалног украса са простора форума која би могла да пружи одговоре на питање опредељења фрагмената пластике одређеним објектима на форуму и јаснију слику о одликама њене архитектонске декорације.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring the archaeological research of the forum in Municipium DD, remains of Antique architecture were discovered, including fragments of architectural sculpted decorations The most important part of the research documentation are archaeological journals and Emil Čerškov’s monograph, which provided an insight into the number, type and position of these architectonic decoration. This paper provides a first overview and architectural analysis of the known fragments of sculptural decorations, with the goal of determining which constructions in the forum they belonged to. They comprise two groups of fragments, differing by their stylistic traits, typological and chronological determination. The first group comprehends those that were both parts of architectural decorations and constructive elements of the Temple of Antinous, belonging to the 2nd century architecture. The second group contains re-hewn parts of gravestones, used as opening elements of constructions built from the end of the 3rd – beginning of the 4th century. The shaping of the decoration from the Temple of Antinous completely corresponds to the cannons of the ionic order. A capital belonging to type D of Asia Minor ionic capitals (classification by Оrhan Bingöl) stands out. One of the most interesting decoration examples is a cornice with a bucranion and garlands, completely obliterated today. Although we determine that with certainty, the archaeological context and common use of this motif on temples and altars suggest that it belonged to the Temple of Antinous. Hewn parts of the temple belong to the conservative design of classical architecture, completely unknown in these regions before the Roman conquest. Traits of autochthonous (Dardanian) architecture cannot be noted. As a minor provincial town, Municipium DD obviously accepted all models from Asia Minor with established stonemasonry traditions in the 2nd
dc.publisherИнститут за српску културу: Лепосавићsr
dc.subjectАрхитектонска пластикаsr
dc.subjectскулпторални украсsr
dc.subjectАнтинојев храмsr
dc.subjectкасна антикаsr
dc.subjectMunicipium DDsr
dc.subjectthe temple of Antinoussr
dc.titleАрхитеkтонсkа сkулптована деkорација са Антинојевог храма и простора форума Античkог Муниципијума DDsr
dc.titleArchitectural sculpted decorations from the temple of Antinous and the forum area of antique Municipium DDsr

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