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Grave goods in female burials as indicators of age : a case study of Viminaciums cemeteries from the 1st to the 4th century

dc.contributor.advisorVujović, Miroslav
dc.contributor.otherCvijetić, Jelena
dc.contributor.otherKuzmanović, Zorica
dc.creatorDanković, Ilija
dc.description.abstractPredmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije su starosne grupe stanovnica antičkog Viminacijuma, definisane na osnovu materijalne kulture otkrivene u sepulkralnim celinama. Analizirano je ukupno 810 inventara grobova otkrivenih tokom višedecenijskih iskopavanja viminacijumskih nekropola. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bilo je utvrđivanje pravilnosti u izboru grobnog inventara za određene starosne kategorije i njihovo upoređivanje sa podacima dobijenim analizama fizičkih antropologa. Na ovaj način izvršen je pokušaj dobijanja obrasca za prepoznavanje starosnih grupa, čak i u situaciji kada usled loše očuvanosti kostiju nije moguće utvrditi biološki pol i starost. U širem smislu, cilj disertacije podrazumevao je stavljanje akcenta na proučavanje ženskog življa Viminacijuma i provincije Gornje Mezije koji je uglavnom zapostavljeni i „nevidljivi” deo populacije. Preokupacija istraživača temama vezanim za muški domen često dovodi i do previda u smislu interpretacije određenih artefakata koji se mogu vezati za žensko stanovništvo, čije sagledavanje u smislu čisto estetske ili kozmetičke funkcije dovodi do produbljivanja i istrajavanja rodnih stereotipa. Analizom grobnih inventara poteklih iz sahrana ženskog dela populacije antičkog Viminacijuma sagledane su pravilnosti u izboru materijalne kulture polagane uz pokojnice u zavisnosti od njihove pripadnosti određenoj starosnoj kategoriji stanovništva. Uočena su četiri osnovna doba koja korespondiraju sa šturim podacima o stadijumima životnog toka dostupnim u delima antičkih pisaca. Najraniji period života (infantia) karakteriše prisustvo tzv. crepundia, predmeta apotropejskog karaktera, čija je uloga bila zaštita dece tokom života, ali i u smrti. Među zapažanjima vezanim za ovu starosnu kohortu ističe se ono o nepostojanju razlika u inventaru u odnosu na biološki pol deteta, što upućuje na zaključak da su svi pripadnici najmlađe kategorije stanovništva tretirani kao jedinstveni rod. Individue svrstane u drugo životno razdoblje (pueritia) najteže su uočljive u funerarnom kontekstu, i moguće ih je u izuzetno retkim slučajevima konstatovati na osnovu prvih kovčežića sa delovima polomljenog nakita. Treću starosnu grupu čine devojke, zakonski starije od 12 godina, s tim što je ta starosna granica mogla da varira u zavisnosti od pojave simptoma puberteta1, pre svega menarhe. Za ovu kategoriju stanovništva vezan je posebni fenomen sahrana sa neuobičajeno raskošnim repertoarom grobnih inventara. Nakon udaje, centralnog momenta u životima žena u antici, konstrukcija identiteta kroz materijalnu kulturu zasnivala se na opštim mestima brige o domaćinstvu, porodici i sopstvenom telu, kroz model diskretne elegancije i ulepšavanja, koje je trebalo da naglasi razliku pripadnice rimskog društva od „necivilizovanog“ ostatka sveta. Materijalna kultura koja je mogla sa sigurnošću biti vezana za pobrojane starosne kategorije reflektuje simboličke koncepte i načine konstruisanja identiteta tipične za grčko-rimske tradicije mediteranskog kulturnog kruga, sa brojnim analogijama na teritoriji rano romanizovanih provincija, ali i samog Apeninskog
dc.description.abstractThe research subject of this thesis are age groups of female inhabitants of ancient Viminacium, defined according to material culture discovered in sepulchral context. Inventories of 810 graves, discovered during several decades of excavations, have been analysed. The main goal of the research was the determination of patterns in the choice of grave furnishings and their cross-referencing with data provided by physical anthropologists. In such a manner, an attempt was made to develop a system for determination of the age of the deceased, even in cases where skeletal remains are poorly preserved and unavailable for examining. In a broader sense, the goal of the thesis was emphasizing the need for studying the female population of Viminacium and the province of Upper Moesia which is usually neglected and „invisible“ part of the society. Scholars’ preoccupation with themes related to the male domain often leads to oversights in the interpretation of certain artefacts which are related to females. Attributing purely aesthetic or cosmetic functions to these objects results in strengthening and perpetuation of gender stereotypes. Analysis of grave furnishings originating from burials of the female population of ancient Viminacium led to recognizing of the consistencies in choice of the material culture deposited with the deceased depending on their age cohort. Four main age groups have been observed, which is in accordance with modest evidence about the Roman life course that can be found in ancient literary works. The earliest period of life (infantia) is characterized by the presence of the so-called crepundia, objects of apotropaic character, which main purpose was the protection of children during life, but in death as well. Observations regarding this age cohort that stands out, is the one about the non-existence of differences in grave furnishings between two biological sexes. It further implies that all members of this particular cohort were treated as a separate gender. Individuals classified into second life stage (pueritia) are hardest to observe in a funerary context and can be recognized in extremely rare cases based on the presence of girl's first caskets guarding pieces of broken jewellery and other trinkets. The third age group consists of maidens, legally above the f 12 years of age, having in mind that this threshold could vary depending on the occurrence of the symptoms of puberty, above all the menarche. This social category is connected with the distinct phenomenon of burials with unusually lavish repertoires of grave furnishings. After the wedding, focal point in the lives of women in the Roman world, construction of identity through material culture was based on the care for the household, the family and the body, through model of discreet elegance and beautification, which was intended to highlight the disparity between the Roman woman and the „uncivilized“ rest of the world. The material culture that could be brought in connection with the aforementioned age categories with certainty, reflects symbolical concepts and ways of identity construction typical of Graeco-Roman traditions of the Mediterranean cultural circle, with numerous analogies from the territories of early Romanized provinces, as well as Apennine peninsula itself.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47018/RS//
dc.subjectstudije životnog tokasr
dc.subjectfunerarna arheologijasr
dc.subjectarheologija rodasr
dc.subjectlife course studiesen
dc.subjectgender archaeologyen
dc.subjectfunerary archaeologyen
dc.titleInventar grobova ženske populacije kao odraz životnog doba: studija slučaja viminacijumskih nekropola od I do IV vekasr
dc.titleGrave goods in female burials as indicators of age : a case study of Viminaciums cemeteries from the 1st to the 4th centuryen

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