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A Copper Axe from the Area of Bovan Village near Aleksinac

dc.creatorМилојевић, Петар
dc.creatorФилиповић, Војислав
dc.description.abstractУ раду се обрађује случајан налаз бакарне секире из ар- хеолошке збирке Завичајног музеја у Алексинцу, која је откривена на локалном гробљу у атару села Бовна. Предмет припада широко распрострањеном, али код нас ретко заступљеном типу издужене, рав-не секире са танким телом. На основу аналогија може се претпоста-вити да је овакав тип секира био у употреби током дугог временскогинтервала од раног бакарног до средњег бронзаног доба.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Heritage Museum Aleksinac realized the buying out of a copper axe which was part of a private collection. According to the former owner, the axe was found during landworks at a local cemetery in the village of Bovan, the Municipality of Aleksinac, the Central Balkans. Other circumstances of the findings are not well known, so at this level of knowledge it is impossible to say whether it is a solitary finding, or grave goods, part of a pantry or a finding from some settlement structure. Based on the aforementioned analogies, it can be concluded that this type of an axe was widespread, but that its representation varies depending on the geographical area and time interval. On the territory of Serbia, as well as in neighboring areas, this axe type had not gained greater popularity, since a relatively small number of specimens have been discovered. Bearing in mind such circumstances, the specimen from Bovan represents the southernmost finding of this type of an axe in Serbia, for the time being. The context of the findings, so far, allows us to assume that certain experimental specimens of axes with straight, elongated, and thin bodies were made as early as the Early Eneolithic, but their greatest representation is related to the period between the Late Eneolithic and the Early Bronze Age. In chronological terms, it is a time interval from the beginning of the third millennium to the beginning of the second millennium, with the accent on the last few centuries of the third millennium, as the optimum period for their greatest expansion in Europe.sr
dc.publisherЗавичајни музеј Алексинацsr
dc.sourceКараџић : часопис за историју, етнологију, археологију и уметностsr
dc.subjectравне бакарне секиреsr
dc.subjectрани енеолитsr
dc.subjectпозни енеолитsr
dc.subjectрано бронзано добаsr
dc.titleБакарна секира из атара села Бовна код Алексинцаsr
dc.titleA Copper Axe from the Area of Bovan Village near Aleksinacsr



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